We’ve listened to your questions and provide answers to the most frequently asked ones below. If you have a question that hasn’t been answered, please get in touch.
Once your school has completed a subscription form your named school contact will be sent a username and password by email. There is only one username and password per school for everyone to use.
Teachers or administrators receive login credentials upon subscription. Contact your school's Digimap for Schools administrator if you need access.
Yes. A product tour video is available. We also offer a free 30 day 'try before you buy' fully functioning version for evaluation purposes. Note that taking a trial does NOT automatically sign you up for a paid subscription and trials do not auto-renew.
Yes. We offer a free, fully functional 30 day no obligation trial version of the service. We have also produced a comprehensive video showing the whole service, and we run frequent free training sessions at which we demonstrate the service and answer any questions from the audience. Note that taking a trial does NOT automatically sign you up for a paid subscription and trials do not auto-renew.
No, there is no limit to the number of users per school. You can have as many users logged in as you wish. All teachers and students within a subscribing school can access Digimap for Schools using the provided login details.
If you are responsible for delivery of initial teacher training at university you are entitled to free access to Digimap for Schools provided your institution is already a subscriber to Digimap's Ordnance Survey Collection (the service for Higher and Further Education). Contact digimap.schools@ed.ac.uk for more information.
We do not have an app for Digimap for Schools. However, you can create a shortcut to the Digimap for Schools website for your iPad home screen. Open your web browser on your iPad (this is likely to be Safari). Type digimapforschools.edina.ac.uk into the address bar at the top and press Return. Once the Digimap for Schools home page appears, tap on the Share button (a square with an upward pointing arrow) and select Add to Home Screen from the menu (you may have to scroll down the menu to find this). When you go back to your home screen you will see the new Digimap for Schools shortcut.