Learning Resources
We have curated a library of free Learning Resources to help you get the most from Digimap for Schools. If you have your own resources that you would like to contribute, please get in touch.
Further learning resources, in addition to the ones below, are also available on the following external websites:
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List all our library of learning resources.
Primary Ideas
Ideas and lesson plans for Primary - written by curricular experts.
Secondary Ideas
Ideas and lesson plans for Secondary - written by curricular experts.
Locational Knowledge - Primary
A suite of 12 resources guiding you through using Digimap for Schools to develop locational knowledge.
Using Digimap for Schools
Guides and quick ideas to get you started.
Early Years
Ideas for pre-schoolers.
Maps and Symbols
Maps and legends to use in class, including outline maps of the world.
Outdoor Learning
Take learning outside with our mapping ideas!
Games and Activities
Games to integrate into lessons or for independent learning.
Our Webinars
Check out past webinars for ideas and demos.
Daily Mile
Map, measure and explore your Daily Mile route.