We’ve listened to your questions and provide answers to the most frequently asked ones below. If you have a question that hasn’t been answered, please get in touch.
Each school has a named contact. This is a teacher who acts as a contact between EDINA who provide the service, and the school. If you have forgotten your login details, you can ask your named contact. Alternatively, if you are a member of staff you can email the Digimap for Schools Helpdesk stating your school name and postcode.
Ensure your browser is updated, and check for device compatibility. If issues persist, try clearing the cache or using a different browser.
Search history is cleared automatically when you close the session. For privacy, avoid saving credentials on shared devices and consider what information is stored on any Saved Maps that others in your school will have access to.
Refresh your browser, clear cookies, or try a different device. If the problem persists, contact the helpdesk for technical support.
Fitting the whole world onto an A4 page is a challenge! We have some "ready made" printable world maps in our Learning Resources. Owing to the nature of the underlying map data, it isn't possible to print a world map centred on the Pacific Ocean. The print process will automatically re-centre your map on the Atlantic instead. We appreciate this isn't ideal but currently there is no solution to this problem.